My Books


Under the Many Colored Moons
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Time Witch

In 1980, graduate student, Jack, finds mysterious, seductive Aiyanna wandering on a deserted Florida Key.   She has no memory of who she is and where she came from.  She doesn’t know the meaning of the magical tattoos morphing and roaming across her body.

In order to uncover the answers, she and Jack turn to time travel using Aiyanna’s mysterious Psy abilities.  However, they learn of a more urgent, looming disaster — the asteroid, Jupiter’s Hammer, will have a cataclysmic collision with Earth in the year 2047.   Their goal: prevent the annihilation of the planet. Can they succeed?


Readers Choice

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My Heart is Full

Book of Poetry

The power of words can touch the deepest regions of the heart; The magic of rhythm can unleash a torrent of raw emotions. My Heart is Full employs a wide range of forms. The collection loosely follows a transition from death, through confusion, the beginning of love, being in love, and the end of love. Parts of three poems provide a feel for the work:

to find the person who cannot live without me
to find the person I cannot live without
to surrender (gladly) to one's feelings
to find passion (madly) without a shadow of a doubt

Not so important what I've done
This fact time now discloses
While running through life's garden green
I'd stop to smell the roses

black crows surround me evermore
black cockroaches abound about my floor
surely this is fantasy
but my steps go crunch when i answer the knock
of the orphan at my door


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Richard Stephen Kram


Richard Stephen Kram loves white pizza, table-top games, the movie Blade Runner (Casablanca is a close second) and walks around barefoot. He worries about extinction from a random gamma ray burst, the decline of classic rock and roll, and invading minions. Most skies (especially stormy ones) and monster waves are among things he considers most beautiful. He lives in Las Vegas with far too many nostalgic knick-knacks, where he gave up playing poker to write science fiction, fantasy, and poetry.